Last Day in Prague 11-5-24
Today is my last solo day in Prague, wrapping up an unforgettable Central European journey that included a scenic Danube River Cruise. I spent the day riding trams around the city and visiting some of Prague’s iconic sites.
My first stop was the Church of the Infant Jesus in the Lesser Town on the castle side of the river. The church is undergoing a year-long reconstruction to add ramps for improved accessibility. Here, they celebrate the Infant Jesus of Prague, adorned in royal blue and gold robes. Below is the prayer Pope Benedict offered to honor this church in 2009.
Next, I climbed up to visit St. Nicholas Church and then walked across the famous Charles Bridge.
The Charles Bridge is truly one of Prague’s most iconic landmarks. Spanning the Vltava River, it connects the Old Town with the Lesser Town (Malá Strana) and Prague Castle. Built in the 14th century by order of King Charles IV, it features stunning Gothic architecture and is adorned with 30 statues of saints, giving it a timeless, historic charm.
Surprisingly, I ran into several groups from our Danube River Cruise while exploring today. Our last big excursion was yesterday morning, but I saw many familiar faces again over breakfast at the hotel this morning.
For a quick coffee break, I stopped at a “world-famous” café nearby: Starbucks.
My final stop was Wenceslas Square, one of Prague’s main city squares and a vibrant cultural hub. It’s a fantastic place for people-watching and shopping, with plenty of historical significance to soak up.
I used my last Czech currency to buy a magnet and dinner.
I returned to my hotel early tonight to prepare for my 6:55 AM flight tomorrow morning.
Prayer of the Pope Benedict XVI to the Infant Jesus of Prague he utered during his visit at the Church of Our Lady Victorious in Prague on the 26th September 2009
O my Lord Jesus,we gaze on You as a child and believe that You are the Son of God, who became Man through the working of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
Just as in Bethlehem, we too, adore You, with Mary, Joseph, the angels and the shepherds, and acknowledge You as our only Savior.
You became poor to enrich us with Your poverty.
Grant that we may never forget the poor and all those who suffer.
Protect our families, bless all the children of the world and grant that the love You have brought us may always reign amongst us and lead us to a happier life.
Grant, O Jesus,
that all may recognize the truth of Your birth, so that all may know that You have come
to bring to the whole human family light, joy and peace.
You are God, who live and reign with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.
Shrine of the Infant Jesus of Prague Karmelitská 9, Praha 1, CZ, EU
Here is the prayer in the Czech language:
Modlitba papeze Benedikta XVI. k Prazskému Jezulátku, kterou pronesl pri své návstévé chrámu Panny Marie Vítezné dne 26. zári 2009
Pane Jezísi, máme Te pred ocima jako díté a véríme, ze jsi Bozi Syn, jenz se stal clovekem skrze Ducha svatého v line Panny Marie.
Podobné jako v Betléme i my spolu s Marií a Josefem, andély a pastýri se Ti klaníme a vyznáváme, Ze jsi nás jediny Spasitel.
Stal ses chudým, abychom my zbohatli z Tvé chudoby; dej, at nikdy nezapomínáme na chudé a na ty, kdo trpí.
Ochrañuj nase rodiny, zehnej vsem détem celého svéta a dej, at nám vzdy vládne láska, kterou jsi prinesl, aby cinila nás zivot stastnejsím.
Doprej vsem lidem, Jezisi, aby porozuméli poselství Bozího narození, aby pochopili, ze jsi prisel darovat celé lidské rodiné svetlo, radost a pokoj.
Nebot Ty jsi Büh a zijes a kralujes s Bohem Otcem v jednotē Ducha svatého po vsechny veky vekủ.